Tiglin is a registered charity, based in the Republic of Ireland, that helps people overcome addiction and homelessness. We have assisted hundreds of people and their families to improve their lives. We believe in each person’s potential. We get results that benefit the whole of society.
Tiglin provides residential rehabilitation programmes for men and women in addiction or homelessness. Our programmes take a holistic approach: as well as dealing with addiction, we also want to equip people to return to life in society. This means training people up and giving them skills, ranging from courses in manual handling, HACCP, first aid or parenting to barista training in our social enterprise café.
To get help fill out the form here
Currently, they have seven locations:
Men’s Residential Rehabilitation Centre, Wicklow
Women’s Residential Rehabilitation, Brittas Bay
Carraig Eden, Aftercare Facility
Coolnagreina, Greystones
Rise at the Cove, Social Enterprise Café
No Bucks Café at The Light House in Dublin, drop in centre with Dublin Christian Mission

Address: Ashford, Co. Wicklow